Artificial intelligence and mechatronics laboratory of IIT Bhubaneswar basically focused on training the students to acquire skills related to the development of new machines/robots that possess extraordinary skills by utilizing the concept of artificial intelligence.
303, AIM Laboratory
School of Mechanical Sciences
IIT Bhubaneswar, India.
​Tel: 9776219149​
Snake robot lateral movements at IIT Bhubaneswar AIM lab programmed by Prasenjit Dey intern student from NIT Meghalaya.
This robot is product of IIT Bhubaneswar made by b.tech mechanical students Pravat Kumar Behera and Sarthak Pradhan.
AIM Laboratory IIT Bhubaneswar
Biologically inspired snake robot for disaster surveillance
We have developed a biologically inspired snake robot variant for disaster surveillance at IIT Bhubaneswar using wheels by B.Tech intern students Ansh Singh and Avnish Kumar from Rajkiya Engineering College Mainpuri, U.P., 205001.
They also used the Wi-Fi method to upload the program for the motions.
An object tracking controller for the Stewart platform using a computer vision
We have developed a tracking of Spatial objects using the Stewart platform for celestial body tracking, sun tracking for solar panels for maximum power efficiency, monitoring of unauthorized drone entries, tracking of indoor objects, tracking of machine tool paths while fabricating, tracking of debris and celestial bodies, etc. at IIT Bhubaneswar.
An object tracking controller for the Stewart platform using a computer vision
This is a PhD project for tracking Spatial objects using the Stewart platform and it was completed by a PhD scholar Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (dkc10@iitbbs.ac.in) under the supervision of Prof. (Dr.) V. Pandu Ranga at IIT Bhubaneswar (pandu@iitbbs.ac.in).
A robot arm drawing squire developed at IIT Bhubaneswar
This is a robot arm developed at our lab drawing a squire. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. The team working on the project is Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD), and Rohan Thoma (M. Tech).
A robot arm developed at IIT Bhubaneswar along with a rover
This is a robot arm attached above the rover along with the various sensors to sense the environment for space exploration. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. The team working on the project is Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD), and Rohan Thoma (M. Tech).
A RSS type of the Stewart platform
This is a RSS type of the Stewart platform robot. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. The team working on the project is Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD), and Hussain (B. Tech).
A mechanam wheeled mobile robot with an arm
This is mechanam wheeled mobile robot with an arm. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD) and Narendra Kumar Kola Ohm Vaghel (B. Tech) are working on the project.
A Boiler pipe testing robot working for boiler pipe inspection
This is a boiler pipe testing robot working for boiler pipe inspection. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. Rohit Kumar Das (JRF), Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD) and Shanujit Das (Technical staff) are working on the project.
An active lower-limb exoskeleton for rehabilitation and defence use case.
This is an active lower-limb exoskeleton for rehabilitation and defence use cases. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. Vaibhav Singh Verma (SRF), Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD), Ohm Vaghel (B. Tech), and Shanujit Das (Technical staff) are working on the project.
Incremental forming using the Stewart platform
This is an incremental forming using the Stewart platform. This is fully developed at IIT Bhubaneswar under the supervision of Dr. Gavrav Bhartarya and Prof. V. Pandu Ranga at AIM Lab. Dev Kunwar Singh Chauhan (PhD), and Avinash Vanjari (M. Tech) worked on the project.